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Tess for Artists

Train an AI model in your style

Create a private AI model with your art, or make it public and earn money on Tess when it's used
Jose Elgueta uses Tess to generate new ideas
Elgueta, a Chilean graphic designer and illustrator, used Tess to create a model to help better explore his own pictorial expression. Tess allows him to explore the possibilites of AI when combined with his own style.
Screenshot of Jose's Model
Take control of AI with Tess
Tess makes it easy to create a model that generates images in your style, all in one easy online flow. You control your model, and the choice is yours whether to keep it private, or make it publicly available.
Make your model public and earn money
Artists have full control on Tess. You choose whether to keep your model private, or make it publicly available for anyone to use. When your model is used, Tess will split generation revenue 50/50 directly with you.
Join a community of artists, like Atif Mellal
Tess artists are leveraging their art in new ways. From brainstorming new ideas to creating new revenue streams, artists on Tess use AI to explore new boundaries.
I love exploring new things, and Tess is a novel way to connect with others through my art, all while making extra money.
Atif Mellal
Atif Mellal
Multidisciplinary artist
Run Atif's model on Tess
 Atif Mellal Images
Learn more about Tess

What is Tess?

Tess is a platform that allows artists to create AI models that can be used to generate illustrations. Tess is made to empower artists, rather than work against them. Artists can use Tess to explore AI privately, or create a public model in order to share their style and earn money.

Why should I join Tess as an artist?

You should join Tess in order to take control of AI and explore how it can help you as an artist. Tess was built to put control back into the hands of artists, and empower artists to use AI effectively. More ideas on how joining Tess could benefit you:

Learn: See what's possible with AI, and how closely it can replicate your style (or not). You can use Tess to understand AI's full benefits as well as limitations.

Ownership: Instead of letting 3rd parties allow image generation with your name or style, Tess allows artists to take ownership of AI technologies. With Tess, you can create your own models that you can share and control on your own terms.

Workflow: Use Tess to speed up your workflow with AI generative tools. Instead of starting from scratch, you can use Tess to create ideas for new images, fill in details of existing images, or simply see what your style might look like for completely unexpected topics.

Make money: You're not required to make a public model to join Tess, but if you create a public model, you'll be able to earn money when your model is used. Similar to Spotify, artists on Tess are paid when users leverage their model to generate images. Tess will split generation revenue 50/50 with you.

What is the vision for Tess?

We envision a world where artists and AI can work together instead of against each other. Our vision is to build a platform that empowers artists and puts control in their hands, rather than in the hands of large tech companies. We believe that AI can be a powerful tool for artists, and we want to help artists use AI to their advantage.

What is required to create a model?

To create a private model, all you need is between 5-20 images in a similar style. The more images that you provide, the better the model will be at generating images in your style.

As part of the model creation process, you will also need to complete an artist profile, which we will use to verify ownership of the original training works.

In order to create a public model and start earning money on Tess, you will have to agree to the Tess Contributer Agreement, which outlines the terms of use for a public model.

To learn more about any of the requirements or process as documented above, you can contact our team directly.

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